Pre-restoration the Little Ouse had been heavily modified over time by mans intervention, such as continued dredging of the water course and possible historical use as a travelling route for small trade boats. This had left the river very straight and deep sided with a poor flow, resulting in the clogging of vegetation and the degradation of species habitats and diversity. (See photo right) A full programme of surveying has been undertaken previous to this work to ensure areas of the river that may have been sensitive to work, such as water vole habitat, were highlighted.
Explaining the practical work:
The aim of the project was to return the river to it's natural state by restoring features such as pools, riffles and meanders. Manually creating these features was achieved with a mechanical digger (see photo right), and although it may have looked fairly destructive at first, the simplicity of the work is very effective. Vegetation was cleared along the river to allow digger access, which then moved upstream along the bank clearing out deep pools on one side of the meander, and depositing the material on the other side.
This action re-creates the natural curve of the river within the channel and is partnered by the deposition of rocks and debris between meanders to create natural 'riffles'. Riffles are where the water increases it's flow where it is narrowed over rocks creating a 'babbling brook' effect, increasing oxygen levels in the water and increasing water quality.
Diagram above showing the natural meander recreated within the channel |
Photo showing the new natural meanders within the long channel |
For any more information or queries please don't hesitate to contact Samantha Gay the People and Wildlife Ranger: