Signs of Otters Lutra lutra using the stretch of the river at Knettishall have been reported as walkers have found Otter spraint along the river path. Grey Wagtails Motacilla cinerea have been sighted fairly regularly particularly at times of lower water levels when the new riffles, where the water flows faster over the rocks, have created greater hunting opportunities for them as they look for invertebrates to feed on. Similarly Kingfishers Alcedo atthis have also benefited from the river work and were spotted hunting up the stretch bordered by the blue river trail (pictured right under flood water) at Knettishall before Christmas. |
Many local walkers have reported regular sightings of a hunting Barn Owl Tyto alba flying low over the meadows in this area, no doubt they are spending more time hunting during the tougher conditions. We hope to encourage this species to breed at Knettishall in the future and any reports are welcome; follow this link to find out more about the Trusts Barn Owl project: |
And lastly I believe one of the most rewarding birds when out on a Winter walk is the Goldcrest Regulus regulus. A delightful bird that frequents Coniferous woodland and scrub it is right at home on the reserve. Winter is a great time to look for it as it becomes easier to spot moving around amongst mixed tit flocks.