Saturday, 26 April 2014

Fencing Changes

Contractors are currently on site carrying out work on the new fencing infrastructure for the heathland restoration project.

After a slight delay in proceedings cattle grids aren't due to be installed until after this summer, and so the final larger grazing enclosure, bordered in bright green on the map below, cannot be created until then. However in the mean time we are able to install some of the new fencing in readiness, as well as create a temporary summer grazing enclosure. Therefore changes at the moment include:

Removal of the internal fencing between the main heath and western heath at Peddars Way.
Along with this and the imminent inclusion of some temporary roadside fencing connecting these two blocks, this will provide a larger grazing enclosure for the Exmoor Ponies for this summer. This can be seen in the map below as the dark green lined area, which will also make up a large amount of the final block.
Map showing the whole planned new grazing enclosure for the end of this year, with the fencing in bright green, The dark green hatched areas show the temporary grazing enclosures for this summer, linking up parts of the main heath.

- The most Easterly grazing block has been re-fenced on the Northern and Eastern boundary in readiness, whilst the old fencing bordering the rest of the block has been left just to enable us to graze that block again this summer. The access gate into this block has been moved further South down the roadside fence.

Volunteers installing a new temporary access gate into the Eastern block

- The bridleway along the Southern strip of the reserve has be re - routed slightly to keep it outside the grazing enclosure. This is currently being re - waymarked.

We will endeavour to keep you as up to date as possible as changes like this happen. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information:

Samantha Gay
07717 156601